This Android 64-bit architecture Unity isn’t new in the Android as Lollipop (v5.0) launched in 2014 being the first to support 64 bit architecture. From the latest information of ARM it shows that more than 80% of devices shipping today are capable of 64 & 32-bit. According to Google’s detailed information & timelines, it is confirmed that starting from 1st August 2019, all new games and apps and app updates that include native code are required to provide 64-bit versions in addition to 32-bit while publishing to Google Play.
How to create 3D particles in Unity 3D
The main objective of this post is to help you create particles of 3D objects like cube, shpere or any of your required mesh.
Admob Unity Integration
The main objective of this post Admob Unity Integration is to help you integrate AdMob Ads in Unity project.
How free games are designed to make money ?
During the recent times, we’ve been getting quite a lot of questions about the How free games are designed to make money and what is the hottest topic on the app market? Well, it’s time to reveal the truth behind app monetization magic. As free applications definitely outmaneuver the paid ones (considering download numbers), the main thing here is to find out how to capitalize on those new users. With no further question, let’s unveil the main advantages of creating free apps and the most efficient app monetization strategies.
Unity MonoDevelop Not Opening
Are you getting trouble Opening MonoDevelop? Why MonoDevelop is not opening in Unity in Mac?
MonoDevelop is not opening after updating Mac OS or unity? According to the latest news from Unity, they have Replaced MonoDevelop-Unity with Visual Studio Community starting in Unity 2018.1
How good is unity for game development?
Why You Should Be Using the Unity Game Engine?
Developing the 2D and 3D game apps for different platforms was quite a task as a mobile game development for various platforms involves a lot of time, efforts, and dollars. But, the launch of the Unity engine at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference turned the table upside down.